Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park was included early on as a destination during my 2019 trip due to a memory I had from visiting my aunt in Los Angeles in August 1998. Though the story changes depending on whether you ask her or myself, someone made the decision to visit Death Valley National Park and we took a wrong turn ending-up in Palm Springs way, way south of our intended route. From there, we drove north (looking at a map, I’m guessing Route 247) to Barstow to get on track. This story is relevant because I remember seeing joshua trees and signs for the park along the way, so I remembered it was in the area that I’d be traveling in 2019.
The drive through the park in 2019 has stuck with me as a high point from that road trip, which even now surprises me. You might say that, on the surface, it’s kind of a boring park: There aren’t any majestic views or epic mountains. Instead the landscape is dominated by massive piles of round boulders and the joshua trees themselves, the latter of which kind of lose their impact once you drive past a million of them. But, there’s something to it that had me yearning to go back some day for an extended stay, one that includes a bit of camping so I can enjoy the night skies which I’m sure are amazing.
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