Death Valley National Park
How I ended-up visiting Death Valley National Park (DVNP) the first time back in August of 1998 depends on who you ask. I was visiting my aunt in Los Angeles the summer after I graduated from college. One day she asked me what I wanted to do and as far as I can remember I said I wanted to visit Sequoia National Park but she suggested DVNP instead. When I’ve told her this is how it went down, she says I’m crazy because she never would’ve suggested DVNP in August and that I wanted to go there because of some Pink Floyd song. The Pink Floyd part leads me to believe she’s correct because my friend and I had gotten into the movie “Zabriskie Point” because it had quite a few Pink Floyd tracks on it. That being said, I think I only mentioned the movie when I unexpectedly found myself AT the actual Zabriskie Point and made the connection.
Regardless of how I got there the first time, it was that trip and especially the drive back to LA through the nighttime desert that planted a desire to return there some day. When I planned my trip to San Diego in the spring of 2019, I hadn’t even considered going back to DVNP until I realized I could drive through it on the way to visit my uncle in Las Vegas and could do so as the sun rose in the morning. That was when I discovered the park was vast, taking hours simply to drive into and around it all. It was exciting to finally get down to Badwater Basin, too, something I didn’t get to do that first trip.
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- Collectors Pin
- First Glimpse of a Valley (May 18, 2019) But, not Death Valley. At first glance, I thought that was Bad Water down there, but Death Valley is in-fact on the other side of the mountain range in the distance.
- Trona Wildrose Road (May 18, 2019) Driving on this road all by myself made me unbelievably happy. I could just stop, get out, take pictures... soak it all in without a worry.
- Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes (May 18, 2019) Weird... sand dunes? Big sand dunes!
- Zabriskie Point (May 18, 2019)
- Zabriskie Point (May 18, 2019)
- Badwater Basin (May 18, 2019)
- Badwater Basin (May 18, 2019)
- Arriving in Death Valley (May 17, 2022)
- Not Quite Father Crowley Vista Point (May 17, 2022) I wanted to visit Father Crowley Vista Point but I actually hiked a short trail in an area near it. I think the actual point is somewhere on the right of this photo.
- Straight Road Driving (May 17, 2022) Death Valley is a big park and you can see miles and miles of the road you're driving in front of you, some of which are like this
- 110-Degrees (May 17, 2022) The forecast was 104-degrees, but it briefly hit 110 while I was visiting the visitor center. There was no humidity, though, so I liked it.
- Coverless Camping (May 18, 2022) Once again, I tent camped without a cover and it was wonderful.
- Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes (May 18, 2022) You wouldn't necessarily expect to find sand dunes in an area like this, but they're still impressive.
- Tracks (May 18, 2022) In the Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, the lower areas of the dunes were covered in these tracks showing snakes chasing mice.
- Morning Temperature (May 18, 2022) After getting back from the sand dunes, I had to get my stamp(s) and souvenir. The temperature was 90-degrees at about 8 AM.
- Badwater Hike To Salt Flats (May 18, 2022) The view west from Badwater Basin leading to the salt flats.
- Looking Back at Badwater Basin (May 18, 2022) Didn't realize it until later in the day, but the area below the sun in this picture is where Dante's View is located.
- Salt Flats (May 18, 2022) The salt flats are reached about a mile from Badwater Basin.
- Salt Crystal Trees (May 18, 2022) You have to look close to see these growing from the surface of the salt flats.
- Badwater Pool (May 18, 2022)
- Artist's Palette (May 18, 2022) An especially colorful spot in the Artists Drive Scenic Loop.
- Zabriskie Point (May 18, 2022)
- Zabriskie Point (May 18, 2022)
- Dante's View (May 18, 2022) Panorama from the Dante's View trail hike that I spontaneously (and some may say ill-advisedly) took.
- Dante's View: Badwater Basin (May 18, 2022) Badwater Basin is located below in the bottom left area of the picture.
Video Gallery
- Entering Death Valley View Location Returning to Death Valley National Park was a dream come true. The last time I visited, it was late August, so it was a bit cooler this time around.
- Zabriskie Point View Location The story is that I begged my aunt to visit Death Valley in August of 1998 because of Zabriskie Point. I'm a big Pink Floyd fan and had recently seen the movie of the same name that used their music in the soundtrack. I had to splice together a couple of shots here because I didn't do a good job planning the shots and there were a lot of people around.
- Driving to Badwater View Location Despite the fact that it was cooler in mid-May, the landscape down in the valley is just plain weird. Everything looks beaten down and alien, especially those clouds! Fun drive.
- Badwater Basin View Location It was honestly as weird as I'd think it would be. Again, everything is off down here. The colors are weird, the sky is weird, the clouds are weird and the ground is definitely weird. I could've stayed here for hours, but I had to move on.
- Walking Through Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes Walking along through the sand dunes, I was entertained by the story told in the snake and mouse tracks along the lower areas of the dunes.
- Badwater Salt Flats About a mile's hike from Badwater Basin, you reach the salt flats, which are characterized by polygonal plates of the ground erupting and covered in salt. If you look closely, you'll see delicate, tree-like structures growing-up from the surface.
- Devils Golf Course The Devils Golf Course is in-between Badwater and Artist's Drive Scenic Loop. It's full of salt encrusted piles that ping in the warm air.
- Artist's Palette Along the Artist's Drive Scenic Loop, this area pops-out.
- Dante's View Up in the Dante's View area, there are a couple of trails, one going up and one going down. I took the one going down to get this view.
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