The other night, I watched the movie “Green Room” and a scene in the movie reminded me how much I love the Dead Kennedys, which then got me thinking about my favorite punk bands, in general, and that led to this post. To be clear, this list doesn’t represent who I think are “the best punk rock bands” or even “the most influential punk rock bands”. Those lists would require independent posts. This one simply shows who I enjoy listening to the most and usually who made the biggest impression on me on my life.
10. GBH
Underrated punk rock band.
9. The Exploited
Long live Big John Duncan!
8. Black Flag
While I like them better when Keith Morris is the singer, it doesn’t mean I can’t rank the band higher.
7. Minor Threat
While I never have been and never will be “straight edge”, I admire those who are and the band that represented the movement better than any other.
6. Descendents
I only discovered them in my later years, which sucks because they fit in perfectly with my tastes.
5. The Cramps
4. D.R.I.
Fast, political and angry as hell.
3. Misfits
Misfits could’ve been in slots one or two, honestly, but no ties.
2. Ramones
Punk rock perfection.
1. Dead Kennedys
They put it all together perfectly (anger, humor, speed, politics, satire, parody) in an intelligent and skilled package.
Hey, but how could you leave out…
The Damned
Just missed the cut.
Suicidal Tendencies
If the post had been “My 10 Favorite Punk Rock Albums,” Suicidal’s debut album would’ve challenged for the top slot, but they’re not a punk band to me.
The Clash
I love The Clash but they’re more of a great rock’n’roll band than a punk rock band.
I had a hard time deciding between this band or The Circle Jerks, but it seemed too much to put both Keith Morris projects on the list, so I stuck with the classic one. This band is amazing, though.
The Sex Pistols
They were a gimmick assembled by Malcolm McLaren who kicked-out their best musician because another guy looked better on stage. That being said, if I was ranking my favorite punk rock albums, their debut would be near the top.
The Dead Milkmen
I’m not sure if The Dead Milkmen are a punk rock band or not. I truly love the band, but think they’re in a way too unique to classify as punk rock.
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